Friday, January 10, 2014

What Type of Flooring Should I Choose?

What type of flooring to choose is often a difficult task for many homeowners.  What makes it even more confusing is the varying opinions of others!  Some people prefer a soft surface to step on such as carpeting, others love the warmth of hardwoods while tile is also a very popular choice. 

So what is a good way to choose what type of flooring is best for you?  There are a few factors that will determine your decision.

1. Your budget will be the biggest factor as to what flooring you should choose.  Every type of flooring has a high end product, low end product and everything in between.  Know what your budget is before speaking with a sales representative so that you are not pressured into spending more than you wish.

2. The type of room will also determine what flooring is best suited for it.  Imagine carpeting in the kitchen.  With all of the grease and red sauces that are commonly used, the carpeting would certainly not last very long.  Carpeting is often found in bedroom and living areas, hardwood is also typically found in living areas and entryways and sometimes preferred in bedrooms.  Tile is a great choice for kitchens, bathrooms, high traffic areas and living spaces too. 

3. It is very important to consider the existing design elements such as cabinetry, other flooring that will be near the flooring and the type of trim that will be touching the flooring.  If you live in a higher end home, it is common to run the same type of flooring all through the home with the exception of bedrooms. 

4.  Your health should be considered when choosing flooring.  Carpeting traps dust and can often trigger allergies.  Marble flooring can be very slick and cause slips and falls where water will be present. 

5.  Looking ahead to the future is also very important.  You may not plan on putting your  home on the market at this moment but you may need to in the future.  Hardwood flooring and stone floors both typically help to increase your value as long as it is installed professionally.  Carpeting can be a little tricky because beautiful, soft carpeting is an asset but old and stained carpeting can be a huge draw back for potential buyers.

As you can see, each type of flooring has both positive and negative aspects to them. 

  • Pros:  Soft to walk on, great for areas where children will be sitting on the floor and playing, quiet, holds in warmth, affordable.
  • Cons:  Collects dirt and moisture, can be hard on allergies, requires cleaning, can be damaged easily.
  • Watch a video by The Home Depot on how to choose the right carpeting.

Mohawk Carpeting

  • Pros:  Highly desired by homeowners and potential buyers/ increases home value, creates warmth in a room, fairly durable, can be stained or painted to match existing room.
  • Cons:  Can be expensive, difficult to clean, needs to be refinished when wear shows, easily damaged by water, can dent and scratch easily.
  • Visit The Home Depot's website to watch a video about what type of Hardwood Flooring to choose.

Hickory Flooring
  •  Pros:  Very durable, can withstand moisture and stains, many color and design choices available, fairly affordable (natural stone will be more expensive), easy to clean
  • Cons:  Cracking can occur, can be cold on the feet, grout can stain/ discolor, tiles with a slick finish (such as marble) can be slippery when wet.
  • Visit The Home Depot's website to watch a video on how to choose Tile Flooring for your home
Tile Flooring

Of course there are other types of floor besides what is listed but this is a good start to set you down the correct path.  Educate yourself by doing research on different products and visit showrooms to touch and feel the actual product.  Armstrong's website has great videos to help walk you through several steps of choosing flooring.  The most important thing to remember is that this will be a permanent feature in your home so make sure that you love it before you purchase!

If you live in the Denver, CO area and would like more information about our Interior Design services, please visit our website at

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